LACROIX Environment

Bicycles: a fast-growing form of soft mobility!

Cycling is on the rise in France. As proof, the “cycle” market in France has risen by a quarter between 2019 and 2020.

Bicycles undoubtedly present many advantages. For citizens, they act as a practical means of transportation that is faster over short distances, good for their health, and allows for social distancing, especially given the ongoing health crisis.

For local authorities, this form of soft mobility is the answer to environmental (reduction of CO2 emissions), traffic decongestion (reduction of the number of cars), and public health issues. The increase in bicycle use is therefore part of a fundamental societal transition supported by the French government, notably via the “Plan Vélo” (Bicycle Plan) and the allocation of €100 million granted to bicycle-friendly facilities via the “Plan France Relance” (France Recovery Plan).

The health crisis has also amplified the need to rapidly develop new and existing infrastructures. However, this brings about new issues: how can we make bike lanes safe while optimizing and maintaining the flow of traffic and facilitating cohabitation between road users?

Adapting existing infrastructures: a necessity

In a context where they are lagging behind their European neighbors (Germany, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia, for example), French local authorities now face the challenge of developing and adapting their infrastructures.

Feeling safe, both during the day and at night, greatly influences users’ travel options and choices. The lack of safe facilities for cyclists and pedestrians thus represents the primary obstacle that restricts the development of these alternative means of transportation.

LACROIX: ever-more innovative products to make cyclists safer

The growth of soft mobility inevitably leads to an increase in zones at risk where several modes of transportation can overlap: crossroads, junctions, roundabouts, and so on. LACROIX has developed solutions to limit risks and make users safer.

Cyclists pack

This kit consists of illuminated signs and boards that are automatically activated when a bicycle is detected approaching a zone at risk, alerting motorists to the presence of the cyclist. This solution contributes to resolving some of the issues of urban and interurban environments and reinforces users’ alertness thanks to a system of interconnected illuminated boards and sensors, without necessitating extensive roadworks.

SensyCity detection system

To make cyclists safer when they travel at night, LACROIX has designed SensyCity: a detection ecosystem dedicated to street lighting. This smart and autonomous system adapts nearby lights to the activity and passage of cyclists and thus guarantees the safety of users while optimizing street lighting expenses for local authorities.

Learn more about SensyCity

Bike lane equipment

LACROIX also offers complete equipment solutions for temporary or permanent bike lanes: directional road signs, plastic signs and the like, in compliance with the regulations applicable to their development.