LACROIX Environment

Villefranche-sur-Saône, located in France (69), has a fleet of approximately 4,400 light points and 136 cabinets, which are generally in good operating condition.

The development priorities for Villefranche-sur-Saône

  • Secure the intervention of technicians in the field.
  • Control operation and maintenance expenses to fund future investments.
  • Identify potential savings opportunities (operation, energy, maintenance).
  • Enhance the attractiveness of the city center.


In order to define its needs and to develop its future lighting management plan, Villefranche-sur-Saône has launched its first testing phase on two pilot sites.


The town has targeted:

  • A cabinet management solution only.
  • A cabinet management solution up to the light points.
  • A detection solution.

Various test objectives


Optimise maintenance      smart story villefranche sur saone

smart story villefranche sur saone

• By reducing the technicians’ night shifts in order to ensure their availability.

• By monitoring the correct operation of the installed fleet.

 By receiving alerts about malfunctioning installations.

Measure and analyse performances     smart story villefranche sur saone

smart story villefranche sur saone• To rank future investments by identifying installations that require an urgent refurbishment.

• To demonstrate the savings made in energy and operation costs following a retrofit.

Test future-proof solutions    smart story villefranche sur saone

smart story villefranche sur saone• For the control and management of the cabinet and/or light points.

• To adapt to the future developments of the lighting fleet.

Villefranche-sur-Saône in numbers :

  • 136 cabinets
  • 4400 light points
  • 82,5 km of lit roads
  • 37000 inhabitants
  • 75% of the fleet is in good condition
  • 10% of the fleet has LED bulbs

The fleet has been gradually updated, and today 10% of light points have LED bulbs installed. Cutting the electrical power and turning to more effective lighting fixtures, have enabled the town to reduce its energy consumption by 8% over a period of six years.


The city’s choice


Supported by LACROIX City’s street lighting business unit’s customer service and by the AREL Agency, Villefranche-sur-Saône has chosen the Tegis ecosystem to cater for smart, scalable and modular solutions:

  • Cabinet management, with Tegis Lighting
  • Cabinet and light points management, with Tegis Lighting Plus
  • An ergonomic and easy-to-use web platform

In addition, the SensyCity detection solution was chosen.



Ecosystem to cater for smart, scalable and modular solutions:

smart story villefranche sur saone


• 2 sites



smart story villefranche sur saone


•44 communicating nodes, TNX for management of light points



smart story villefranche sur saone

11 SensyCity® sensors

•12 months of testing

160 light points

Tegis Lighting :
Area with connected management of street lighting cabinets

Tegis Lighting Plus :
Area with connected management
of street lighting cabinets up to the light points

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Tegis®, proven savings

The installation of Tegis lighting cabinets before an update allows us to easily measure and demonstrate the energy savings that are obtained after improvement works. At a later stage, we will use Tegis to monitor the performances in terms of the operation and consumption of the improved installation.

Philippe DUMAS
Street Lighting manager

Convincing results

  • Improvement of the operating conditions by analysing prior events.
    Smart Story



  • Maintenance savings thanks to remote modifications to the lighting and shutdown schedules of cabinets.
    Smart Story



  • Monitoring of the fleet’s energy performances, which enables the identification of installations that need to be urgently updated and to quantify economic gains.
    Smart Story



  • Confirmation of the need for scalable solutions, to adapt the deployment of smart management to the current rate of investments.
    Smart Story



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Tegis®, a flexible solution

The versatility of Tegis enables me to adjust the controls on the different installations in Villefranche-sur-Saône: a real flexibility in view of our living areas and activity spaces.

Street Lighting supervisor

Contact us


Contact us for more information about LACROIX City Street Lighting business unit ecosystems.