LACROIX Environment

The Co-Ownerships Association of “ZAC du Lay” is an association that unites the owners of five separate co-owned properties in Contamines Montjoie, Haute-Savoie, France.

The challenge :Significantly improve the service quality and the comfort of the residents

By instigating a complete overhaul of its infrastructure, the Association of “ZAC du Lay” seeks to improve the quality of outdoor lighting in the five co-owned properties.
Also, by equipping areas that previously had no lighting and readjusting the level of lighting in
other areas close to the apartments, the Association wants to increase the comfort and well-being of all its residents.


The Association therefore began a general renovation of its lighting infrastructure. Initially, it chose to be guided by a specialist consultancy in order to draw-up an inventory of the existing installations and provide an initial cost estimate for all the works. Based on the information in this report, the Association decided to resume the project’s management directly, whilst also relying on the expertise of a local installer: GRAMARI, a subsidiary of the FIRALP Group. A decision was made to renew the entire equipment, with LED light
fixtures and installing new lighting points in identified areas.

Picto Smart StoryAs the project advanced, a new need appeared: lighting according to need without ever being in total darkness. The Association wanted to adjust the lighting to the movement of residents, to ensure an optimal level of comfort and well-being without wasting energy.

Amongst other things, it is responsible for maintaining service roads, outdoor car parks, green spaces and snow clearing, as well as outdoor lighting. The lighting infrastructure of the Association has not been renovated since it was first installed in 1985. It includes 53 lighting points, most of which are spherical light fixtures, with mercury-vapour lamps,
some of which no longer worked.

The association in figures

  • 5 vertical co-owned properties: La Borgia, Les Combettes, Les Pierres Blanches, L’Enclave and Le Nevez
  • 800 apartments, most of which are secondary residences
  • 53 lighting points
  • Aging lighting infrastructure: over 30 years old
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The solution 


On the advice of GRAMARI and guided by the AREL agency, the Association chose the SensyCity sensing ecosystem as it needed a solution that was easy to implement and simple to use. In all, 100% of the lighting points were

In all, 100% of the lighting points were equipped with SensyCity :

  • 32 SIR SensyCity® sensors





  • 14 NOD SensyCity® receivers





  • 2 NOD SensyCity® receivers on storefronts





  • 4 steps of dimming to maximise the energy savings and preserve the nocturnal environment as much as possible.
  • 64 lighting points (double, layered and wall-lights)
  • 3 waves of work during 15 months

SensyCity®, adjust the lighting to the users’ detection

  • From switching-on…to 9pm :
     80% Lighting level without detection


  • From 9pm…to 11pm :
    50% Lighting level without detection


  • From 11pm…to 6am :
    10% Lighting level without detection


  • From 6am… to switching-off :
    80% Lighting level without detection

10% lighting level without detection  

Smart story Les Contamines


 100% boost when sensor detects presence of pedestrians or cyclists

Smart story Les Contamines


SensyCity® represents ease of useFor example, following the first programming, we found that the boost lighting was too powerful, but we were able to change it the very next day, there is a margin for error. And the application makes things easy as it is so user-friendly.

Joël Ibled
Administrator of the “ZAC du Lay” and Chairman of the La Borgia co-owners’ Association, responsible for the “ZAC” lighting project.



  • Beautiful enhancement of the site Smart Story


  • Veritable consideration for thenocturnal environment Smart Story


  • A significant improvement in the level of comfort and well-being for the residents Smart Story


  • Enthusiastic and highly satisfied co-ownersSmart Story