LACROIX Environment

The commune of Troistorrents, which is nestled in the heart of the Swiss Alps, has set out the aim of modernising its entire street lighting stock. The mountain environment and the commune’s very extensive lighting network mean it takes significantly longer for maintenance teams to gain access. Technicians do not always know the exact location of an incident which can increase maintenance costs.

The challenges

  • To better manage costs by eliminating needless journeys by maintenance teams.
  • To find a modular and progressive solution that enables, in particular, remote control and surveillance of third-party services in the commune, such as festive illuminations and CCTV.
  • The commune of Troistorrents must address the environmental requirement to save energy. This means optimising management of the street lighting network.

The solution

With the support of LACROIX – City and the operator, Romande Energie, the commune of Troistorrents has chosen to roll out the intelligent management ecosystem specially designed for street lighting: Tegis Lighting Plus 24/24. Thanks to the LX Connect web platform, this solution enables the commune to monitor its street lighting (SL) network remotely, thereby quickly identifying any operating incidents. As a result, maintenance teams are only sent out when needed which substantially reduces operating and maintenance costs. This solution also allows the SL network to be controlled directly through the web platform, making it possible to adapt lighting (dimming, turning off, etc.) to meet energy saving requirements. And finally, because Tegis Lighting Plus 24/24 offers the ability to supply the SL network 24 hours a day, illuminations and CCTV systems can also be powered permanently while being controlled and monitored remotely by the web platform. Ultimately, pooling of the SL network could enable other services to enjoy a permanent supply.



Getting notifications on the cabinets about outages or faults enabled us to reduce our interventions, since we knew the precise nature of the problem. The next step will be to roll outTegis across the whole commune within 10 years.

Mathieu JANIN
Lighting projects manager - Romande Energie Services SA