A smart system based on motion sensors for pedestrians and cyclists.
Wireless and instantaneous communication between light points by secure LoRa radio (local protocol).
Floor detection zone: 180° with a radius of 10 m around the sensor.
IK08 casing and protective shutters for the 2 sensors.
Power supply built into the detection module for simplified installation into lamppost bases.
Mechanical specifications:
Electrical specifications:
Standards and certifications
“Complies with the RES-EC-103 Energy Saving Certificate requirements.”
If no activity is detected in the area, the lighting is dimmed, leaving only guidance lighting.
At the slightest movement:
• the lighting intensity is resumed by a priority instruction sent to the LED driver (the level and the duration can be adjusted),
• the detection information is sent by radio to the light points fitted with SIR Wireless sensors, NOD receivers or VIA relays.
Grading scenarios can be programmed in the SIR Wireless device using the SensyCity application, with up to 5 time phases per night